Community Resources in Solano & Contra Costa County
AT Network
The AT Network is a collaborative effort of state and local assistive technology advocates, service providers and specialists – working to increase understanding of, access to and use of assistive technology devices and services.
AT Gazette
New and recycled home, office and play equipment for Independent Living. A “Craig’s List” type database of equipment being sold or given away to others who need it to continue to live independently.
Nationally ADAPT focuses on promoting services in the community instead of warehousing people with disabilities in institutions and nursing homes. ADAPT has a long history of organizing in the disability community and using civil disobedience and similar non-violent direct action tactics to achieve its goals.
Bay Area Outreach & Recreation Program (BORP)
BORP was founded in 1976 by people with disabilities to create access to the outdoors, to fitness, to sports, and to recreation for a population who’d been left out. BORP offers a number of competitive sports programs, as well as outdoor adventures, family outings, and integrated cycling.
California Foundation of Independent Living Centers (CFILC)
The purpose of the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) is to collaborate with and increase the capacity of California’s Independent Living Centers to create access and integration for people with disabilities. CFILC’s mission is to support independent living centers in their local communities through advocating for systems change and promoting access and integration for people with disabilities.
Contra Costa Community Service Database (CORD)
Find resources for health and nutrition questions, emergency food, mental health services, people with disabilities, senior housing, immigrant assistance, substance abuse services, support groups, mentoring and much more.
Center for Disease Control
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recognized as the lead federal agency for protecting the health and safety of people – at home and abroad, providing credible information to enhance health decisions and promoting health through strong partnerships.
Disability Benefits 101
Disability Benefits 101 (DB101) helps workers, job seekers, and service providers understand the connections between work and benefits. DB101 brings together rules for health coverage, benefit, and employment programs that people with disabilities use. These programs may be administered by the state, the federal government, or private organizations; here, we discuss them under one roof, in plain language.
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Inc.
Founded in 1979 by people with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities, the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Inc. (DREDF) is a national law and policy center dedicated to protecting and advancing the civil rights of people with disabilities through legislation, litigation, advocacy, technical assistance, and education and training of attorneys, advocates, persons with disabilities, and parents of children with disabilities.
Environmental Traveling Companions
Environmental Traveling Companions (ETC) opens the beauty and challenge of outdoor adventures to people with special needs. Every year over 2,000 people of all abilities join us to raft whitewater rivers, ski across alpine meadows, sea kayak the waters of the Golden Gate and sleep beneath the open sky. ETC trips enable participants to access the wilderness, gain environmental awareness, and share the adventure.
Independent Living USA
A website with a wealth of information on current Independent Living Topics and Links.
Map of all Independent Living Centers and SILC’s
A link to a map of all Independent Living Centers and SILC’s in the United States, as well as links to international centers. Updated Weekly.
Meals on Wheels Contra Costa
Visitors to this website have instant access to important information about Meals on Wheels, its history and challenges. They can learn how to access the services anywhere in the county as well as volunteer opportunities.
Medical Baseline COVID 19 Application
Requires heating and/or cooling: Standard Medical Baseline allowances are available for heating and/or cooling if the Medical Baseline Resident is a paraplegic, quadriplegic, hemiplegic, has multiple sclerosis or scleroderma.
Network of Care
This easy to use website provides an extensive directory to put people in touch with the right services at the right time. It also offers vital information about human services, assistive devices, care giving, day to day challenges and diseases as well as daily news from around the world concerning aging and disabilities.
PG&E California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Program
The California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) program is a monthly discount of 20% or more on gas and electricity. Participants qualify by meeting income guidelines or enrolling in certain public assistance programs. See if you qualify for a monthly discount of 20% or more on gas and electricity.
Protection & Advocacy, Inc
Protection & Advocacy, Inc. (PAI) is a nonprofit agency that provides legal and other advocacy assistance to people with disabilities. Services available from PAI include: Information and referral to other sources of assistance; Peer and self-advocacy services; Representation in administrative and judicial proceedings; Investigation of abuse and neglect; Legislative advocacy; and Training.
Regional Center of the East Bay
Regional Center of the East Bay works in partnership with many individuals and agencies to plan and coordinate services and supports for people with developmental disabilities, family members and community leaders in the Alameda and Contra Costa counties.
WheelchairNet is a community for people who have a common interest in (or in some cases a passion for) wheelchair technology and its improvement and successful application. WheelchairNet is a virtual community… a community that exists only in “cyber space.” This virtual town is inhabited, visited and managed by people who have an interest in wheelchairs and how wheelchair.